A List of Demands: What Occupy Wall Street Should Have Been Protesting

Less than four blocks from my office is McPherson Square, ground zero of the Occupy DC/Occupy K Street camp. One day after work, I took the long route to the metro so I could walk through the square. Littered with makeshift tents and cardboard signs with half-baked slogans scribbled on them like a 3rd grader’s … Continue reading

Politicians Missing the Mark — Left and Right — on Housing

When it came to offering fixes for the housing market, Gov. Rick Perry (R-Texas) wasn’t the only tongue-tied politician on stage at Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas. The presidential candidates let an opportunity slip away to explain how they would address the nation’s housing problems. For that matter, the Obama administration hasn’t … Continue reading

Let’s Get to Work: Obama challenges Congress to pass $447 billion jobs bill

Originally posted September 2, 2011 Combining a slate of moderate policy proposals and a confrontational tone, President Barack Obama called on Congress Thursday night to pass $447 billion in infrastructure spending, tax cuts, unemployment benefits, and state and local government aid to help revive a stalling economy and his freefalling poll numbers.  A far cry … Continue reading

A Lose-Lose-Lose Situation: Washington Pursues Wrong Set of Policies in Debt Ceiling Debacle

President Barack Obama meets with congressional leaders in the Cabinet Room of the White House on July 13 to discuss ongoing efforts to find a balanced approach to the debt limit and deficit reduction. Facing the first default in the nation’s history, President Barack Obama punted on large-scale fiscal reform earlier this month by adopting … Continue reading

Rep. Gary Ackerman Proposes Legislation to Reinvigorate Housing Market

In an effort to jumpstart the sagging housing market, Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY) plans to introduce legislation after the August recess that would provide up to $20,000 to nearly two million prospective home owners. Not since the Homestead Act of 1862 has a piece of legislation had the potential to make millions of Americans home … Continue reading

Checkmate: President Obama and GOP Rep. Paul Ryan make their moves on how to cut the budget

After congressional leaders reached an 11th hour compromise to prevent a government shutdown, President Barack Obama jaunted up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial the next afternoon to greet tourists and remind them of the integral role government plays in their lives, including keeping national parks open. Simple gestures like this are going to help … Continue reading

Waiting for Change: Race to the Top unleashes potential of American schools

Millions of students wake up every morning, pack their books and walk to schools that are failing them and their country. For the first time in the nation’s history, many education scholars fear the current generation of high school students will be less educated than their parents. In order for American schools to produce a … Continue reading

They Could Have Been Contenders: Republican Presidential Field Looks Thin

As difficult as the last two years have been for President Barack Obama, he is still proving to be a formidable opponent in the 2012 election – possibly explaining why no Republicans have formally announced their candidacy. At this point in 2007, Obama, Hillary Clinton and a handful of other candidates were already racking up … Continue reading

State of the Unions: Wisconsin Budget Battle an Attack on Democratic Party

The boisterous protests against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s efforts to end collective bargaining rights for public employees are about much more than the state’s budget crisis; it is an assault on the base of the Democratic Party. The capitol steps in Madison have become a last stand for the American Labor Movement and a battle … Continue reading

Boehner’s House vs. White House: House Speaker is playing chicken with President Obama

One of the biggest mysteries of the midterm election was whether House Speaker John Boehner could lead a divided Republican caucus comprised of 87 new members, many of whom were backed by the Tea Party. After a coalition of liberal Democrats and wayward Tea Party representatives rallied last Wednesday to shoot down funding for the … Continue reading

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